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Cocomala/Trumpy Giveaway

I'm giving away a Superb Cocomala on September 1st to a random active player.

Good luck in the drawing, and vote no on the Republican Project 25!

oops someone already found the first one. I'll still give one away free though! Let's give away a King Trumpy Bird too.

Posted by Ignis on August 27th, 2024 at 6:56 AM

Free Auto Battle Options

I've decided that the Auto Battle Options are no longer Support Status Exclusive so everyone can enjoy them. Also, by Default, AI will be used instead of just repeating actions.

Every account can update these options under "Player>Account>Auto Battle".

Posted by Ignis on August 17th, 2024 at 12:13 PM

Offers Update

So as you all know I'm having a hard time in my life, and I underestimated how much additional anxiety lowering the prices on characters I worked so hard on would add.

So instead, I decided that what I will do, is start offering existing minis JUST BELOW my new characters to pad out my rewards better.

To kick this off, the Whiskerblade Assassin was added to the Final Gamer Lycan's offer.

Roxy's Ada offer will remain at base 30 since it's already up for sale.

Posted by Ignis on August 17th, 2024 at 7:25 AM

Hecation's Shop: New Bikinis

Some new bikini's were added to Hecation's Shop. Enjoy. These are mostly made by Bun Bun Art and ABD.

Even more were added after reviewing the list of existing ones more closely.

Posted by Ignis on August 13th, 2024 at 11:26 AM

Offer Changes

1. As an experiment, I've decided to lower the base cost of some future 12 sprite releases to 30 USD like they were pre-pandemic. Please support these releases and I will be encouraged to keep the base prices lower.

2. While I will not be reducing the cost of Guaranteed Superbs as well, I am planning to bring back the original Guaranteed Superb System in October. Stay tuned for details on that as a few system tweaks have to be done first, but it's safe to say it both saves contributors money and was better preferred by the community to the system in place now.

Lastly, for my own LESPs exclusively in the future, I will be including a Rainbow Token at the Guaranteed Superb cost.

Thank you all for your support over the years and for helping me during this difficult period in my life.


1. I've decided some releases will experiment like this, others won't. However, I am going to start placing an unadvertised mini below releases to help pad out my offers.

2. I'm not sure I'm bringing the Guaranteed Superb System back as there's some complications that have to be worked out first.

Posted by Ignis on August 13th, 2024 at 10:12 AM